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Meet our Staff: The Steels

Randy and Laurie Steel recently transitioned from the field of Paraguay  to being full time staff here at Ethnos360 Bible Institute. They each serve in different areas. Laurie works in the finance office and Randy in the student ministries department. We’ve loved having their smiling faces on campus! They’re always so encouraging and caring. You’ll often see them in the dining hall asking the students questions about their lives or inviting students into their home for times of fellowship. If you’re on campus and haven’t had a chance to meet them yet, please do!

Ethnos360 Bible Institute Staff

Where are you from originally?
Laurie: That’s  a complicated question! I was born in Montana  but lived in Paraguay through grade school. In High School, I was back in Montana.
Randy: I was born in lower New York but was raised in upper rural Pennsylvania.

When did you join the Ethnos360 Bible Institute team?
We joined the EBI team officially on August 1, 2024.

What’s your role at Ethnos360 Bible Institute?
Laurie: I serve in the finance office in accounts payable.
Randy: I serve as the Director of Student Ministry overseeing student’s ministries on campus, in churches, and in the community.

What is your favorite thing about serving at Ethnos360 Bible Institute?
Laurie: Interacting with the students is my favorite part. I also really love working with my coworkers.
Randy: The constant interaction with the students. It’s mutual discipleship; an opportunity to disciple and mentor them  but learn from them as well.

What is something the student body might not know about you?
Laurie: I’m a Ham Radio operator.
Randy: I served in the Air Force for 4 years in Michigan as a crew chief on B-52 aircraft.

At what point in your life were you convinced to become involved with missions?
Laurie: I remember before I was 4 years old thinking that I should be a missionary, probably because my parents were on their way to Camdenton to work with New Tribes Mission.
Randy: While I was in the Air Force, I visited the Bible school here in Waukesha and for the first time really understood that God’s world plan has always been to have a people on all the corners of the earth that worship and praise Him, and that there were thousands of people groups that had never heard the Gospel. As I realized that was God’s heartbeat, I talked to the Lord about it  and said, “Lord, you can definitely find someone better qualified, but if this is your heartbeat, I want to be involved. I’m gonna head that way, to reach the unreached with the Gospel, and if that’s not what you want, stop me.”  He hasn’t stopped me yet. After 37 years serving to reach the unreached in Paraguay, now Laurie and I get to disciple, mentor, and equip others to fulfil that desire of God’s heartbeat as well.

What’s your favorite place to eat in Waukesha?
Laurie: Home
Randy: We don’t eat off campus much. My favorite place is in the dining hall with the students. It’s a great opportunity to pick each other’s brains and learn from each other.

What pastimes do you enjoy?
Laurie: I like gardening, playing with my cats, doing puzzles, and taking  walks.
Randy: Reading, carpentry and fixing things, walking with Laurie, and listening  to relaxing music.

Do you have a “hero of the faith” that you admire, and if so, what about them is inspiring?
Laurie: Esther,  because she was willing to do what God asked her to do regardless of what it would cost her. God chose her “for such a time as this.”
Randy: The apostle Paul. Two things stand out. 1) His supreme priority and desire was to know Christ better, more intimately. (Phil 3:10). 2) He knew he wasn’t perfect or fully mature in ANY area of his life, but was still maturing, learning, and growing in every area. He pressed on with that desire in mind. (Phil. 3:12). Even when he knew his death was approaching, he still asked Timothy to bring him the parchments (scriptures) so he could continue to study and learn (2 Tim. 4:13).

Who is your favorite author or musician?
Laurie: P.D. Eastman is my favorite author. He wrote “Are You My Mother?” I enjoy lots of other books, fiction and non-fiction. I like guitar and piano music.
Randy: Author –  Howard Hendericks. I’ve learned so much from his teachings. Musicians –  Steve Green, Wayne Watson, and Mercy Me.

Where is your favorite place to spend time?
Laurie: I love being home.
Randy: At home with Laurie and family, or with the EBI students one on one or in small groups.

Other interviews on the blog:
Interview with Students: Paige and Micah
Meet Our Staff: The Fields
Meet Our Staff: The Jexs
Meet Our Staff: The Meglis
Meet Our Staff: Biss Fyock

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