Ephesians Overview
Paul wrote the book of Ephesians to affirm the Ephesian believers in their faith. The main focus of the epistle is on being “in Christ”. When someone places their trust in Christ and his finished work on the cross it should affect the way they live. Everything should flow out of their position in Christ. Studying Ephesians helps us as believers know how to live out this reality – that we are in Christ.

Timeline of Paul and the Ephesians
Literary Genre of Ephesians
Epistle (a letter written to someone)
Date Ephesians Was Written
62 AD, Paul wrote it while he was under house arrest in Rome.
Author of Ephesians
The author of this book is Paul, the apostle. Read more about Paul’s background and life here.
Ephesians Audience
This Pauline epistle was written to the believers in Ephesus. They would have been both Jewish and Gentile believers, but Paul was writing primarily to the Gentile believers. Paul visited Ephesus three times with one visit lasting over two years, so he was familiar with them. The Lord blessed his ministry there immensely. The city of Ephesus was on a harbor and a trade route. It was the center for worship of the goddess Diana and was also a hub for magical arts. When many people who were into magic became believers,they voluntarily chose to burn their magic books. Those books were valued then at a price equal to today’s $5,480,000!
Themes in Ephesians
- Unity– Paul talks about unity with Christ and other believers. The phrase “in Christ” and similar phrases are repeated 39 times throughout the epistle.
- Love– The word love is used 20 times in this book.
Key Verse of Ephesians
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.”
Ephesians 4:1
The Purpose of Ephesians
The purpose of Ephesians was to affirm the Ephesian believers in their faith. Paul wanted to encourage them with the fact that having placed their trust in Christ’s finished work they are now “in Christ”. The first half of the book focuses on that fact. The second half tells them how they should live because of that. Being in Christ should cause them to live differently.
Ephesians Outline
- Intro 1:1-2
- Position in Christ 1:3-3:21
- Blessings in Christ 1:3-14
- 1st Prayer: Divine Enablement for Spiritual Comprehension 1:15-23
- “Individual” Salvation 2:1-10
- Availability to the Gentiles 2:11-22
- Revelation of the Mystery 3:1-13
- 2nd Prayer: Strength, Love, Knowledge, and Fullness 3:14-21
- Practice in Christ 4:1-6:20
- Walk in Unity 4:1-16
- Walk in Newness of Life 4:17-32
- Walk in Love 5:1-6
- Walk in Light 5:7-14
- Walk in Wisdom 5:15-6:9
- Stand Against the Enemy 6:10-20
- Conclusion 6:21-24
Why You Should Study Ephesians
Studying Ephesians helps us understand who we are as believers. It explains our newness in Christ and how all of our actions should flow out of that. Chapters 1-3 focus on our position in Christ and the only command found in those chapters is “remember” (2:13). Remembering our position in Christ sets us up for the 40 commands found in the last three chapters. Understanding who we are should flow into and change what we do.
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