Total Cost of Attendance Per Year
Stats are taken from Collegeboard Trends in Higher Education 2022.
We have worked hard to keep Ethnos360 Bible Institute affordable. Join the 97% of our students who graduate debt free.
Compare yearly total cost to public and private institutions.
Stats are taken from Collegeboard Trends in Higher Education 2022.
Estimates include tuition, housing, meal plan for single students, and other required fees and related expenses. These total costs and estimates are subject to change.
Select a tab below and see your financial breakdown.
This calculator is intended to provide estimated financial costs to attend EBI. Estimates include tuition, housing, meal plan for single students, and other required fees and related expenses. These fees and estimates are subject to change.
*This calculator is intended to provide estimated financial costs to attend EBI. Estimates include tuition, housing, meal plan for single students, and other required fees and related expenses. These fees and estimates are subject to change.
Download the Married Students Fees Sheet (2024-25)Download the Married Students Fees Sheet (2025-26)Trimester Fees
The class cost is due by the drop/add date of the class.
1 credit class: $170
2 credit class: $340
3 credit class: $510
Semester Total (16 credits) $3,383
Student Accident Insurance: $410 (Due every Fall Semester)
The class cost is due by the drop/add date of the class.
1 credit class: $170
2 credit class: $340
3 credit class: $510
Financing your education can feel overwhelming. Business manager, Todd Nelson, breaks down finances at EBI and offers some words of guidance.
Most of our students are heading to the mission field and ministry, so we don’t want to add any lingering financial baggage. We want you free from debt so you can take your next step with God unhindered.
Study together as a couple with an affordable education at Ethnos360 Bible Institute. We even provide free childcare for children 3 and under.
We’ve eliminated the single largest cost at most educational institutions: staff salaries. Our staff are supported by churches and individuals. This helps us keep our costs affordable.
Our students can and do graduate debt free because our tuition is low compared to many other Bible colleges. That being said, there is no system in place to guarantee financial stability. Most of our students will get jobs in the area and work to pay their way through.
Secondly, our staff are full-time missionaries who raise their support from churches and individuals that share our purpose to see churches planted where Christ is yet unknown. This provides a tremendous savings in overhead costs which are passed on in our tuition and fees, making EBI very affordable to attend.
In addition to employment, some students receive financial help from parents, relatives and friends. Some larger employers may have programs for educational assistance that you may qualify for. You may want to discuss other possible sources of funds that your church may be aware of, such as, a community foundation in your area or Christian organizations that support Biblical education.
Veterans may be able to secure VA education funds by way of the GI Bill®. EBI is qualified to accept VA education benefits. Veterans will need to secure a Certificate of Eligibility letter from the VA. Once received, forward that on to the finance office at EBI. We will contact you for other information that we will need to bill fees to the VA. Feel free to contact the finance office at the school to discuss details.
How much should I work while attending as a student?
While school is in session, EBI would recommended that your work hours not exceed 25 hours per week. We believe the study of God’s Word is your first priority and that a great deal of time needs to be committed to accomplishing what you came to do here at EBI – study God’s Word!
Does EBI help students find a job?
We do not provide employment services, however we have good relationships with many employers in the community. Many of the local businesses and individuals looking for employees have a high opinion of the work ethic of our students and often contact the school about job opportunities. When we are contacted about employment opportunities, we post those jobs on a school bulletin board.
Are there any on-campus jobs available?
We do not typically provide jobs to our students. When we do need to hire students, we usually offer those jobs first to international students that cannot legally work in the U.S. but can work on the campus at the college they are enrolled in as a student.
Since EBI is currently not accredited, we do not qualify as an educational intuition that can receive federal student loans or grants. Even though federal student aid is not available to you, our low semester costs more than offset the value of federal loans you may receive at a different institution. Lastly, you do not acquire loan debt that must be repaid after you finish school.
Since EBI is not currently an accredited Institute, our tuition and fees are not deductible under current U.S. tax law. Because of that we cannot issue 1098-T forms. We are in the process of applying for accreditation. Once that status is obtained, our tuition and fees should be tax-deductible, subject to the current IRS regulations in place at that time.
International Students
We would advise you to check with the taxing authority in your country of citizenship as to whether EBI fees are tax deductible. If your in-country tax advisor believes that EBI fees are tax deductible, we are happy to prepare the necessary paperwork your tax advisor says you will need.
Please let us know if you are having difficulty making your payment. There is normally a 3% late fee for past due payments, but we really do not like charging late fees, especially if your money is already tight. You should contact the finance office, so we can review your situation and set up a plan to help you get caught up. Early communication goes a long way in avoiding late fees. A student that falls more than $475 behind on their school bill may be asked to withdraw from EBI if a workable payment schedule cannot be implemented.
Yes, EBI is qualified to accept VA education benefits. Veterans may be able to secure VA education funds by way of the GI Bill®. Veterans will need to secure a Certificate of Eligibility letter from the VA. Once received, forward that on to the finance office at EBI. We will contact you for other information that we will need to bill fees to the VA. Feel free to contact the finance office at the school to discuss details.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Website at
The fee calculator, graph, and fees sheet provided on this page (scroll above) are intended to provide estimated financial costs to attend EBI for one year. Estimates include tuition, housing, meal plan for single students, and other required fees and related expenses. These fees and estimates are subject to change.
Finance Office
Office: 262.542.9411 (ext. 1309)
Cell: 262-510-8197
Three simple ways to begin your journey at EBI.