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I enjoy all my classes here at Bible School, but one of my favorite assignments I’ve gotten to do is the world survey for my evangelism class.

The world surveys consist of 17 questions having to do with world views. I’ve gotten to talk to some interesting people and it’s surprising to hear what they believe. I talked to a lady at the park the other day and she has definitely had some Christian influence in her life, but she still doesn’t understand everything correctly.

Doing these surveys really makes me think about our goals in life and what we focus our time on. Do I just walk by people and give them a “Christian smile and hello” or do I actually stop and talk with them? Do I ask them their beliefs and get to know them as a friend? Or do I just say a little prayer and hope that someone comes along later to talk with them?

These world surveys have taught me a lot more than just to take notice of people. They have shown me that people really don’t know what the Bible says and they don’t have any hope for eternity.

This week we are ending our first block. (three week period) We have tests in all our classes and so I’ll be studying a lot. I’ve enjoyed my first set of classes. It’s going to be great to learn more about the Bible as I continue to take more classes.

Katrina Abbott
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