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So it’s been two and a half months that I’ve been studying at New Tribes Bible Institute in Michigan, USA. One word – Wow!

Classes have been unreal. Everyday I’m learning and understanding more of God’s word, which is incredible.

The teachers here are great, really down to earth and most of them have served out on the field as missionaries. They have a lot of experience and knowledge to share and they make a point of being involved in our growth and development both in our studies and as people. It’s such a privilege to have God using them to invest in our lives.

I didn’t come to New Tribes with a definite intention of going into tribal missions afterwards, but to gain a really solid Bible education – and now that I’m here it’s beyond how good I was expecting it to be.

Yet being here and learning about God and who He is, His heart for people – I can’t imagine doing anything else — to be involved in God’s plan of sharing the Gospel to all nations – awesome. And that is not me being a good person, it’s simply me being obedient to God. And I cannot be obedient in my own strength. It’s not even about God giving me strength, but God showing His strength through me.

It is such an awesome opportunity to be over here, and I’m thanking God for His investment in my growth and training here at New Tribes Bible Institute.

Kate Wallace’s testimony >>

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