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This past semester has been quite the hard hitter. From the topics we’ve discussed in class to all the events that have been happening, it’s been pretty amazing, yet testing. And praise be to God as He has continued to show His faithfulness time after time.

I greatly struggled as we started James and followed up with 1st and 2nd Peter. Not so much because of the homework load, but rather the examples of how a life filled of God’s love will reflect that great love He has bestowed on us. Reading through all the exhortations I really became rather overwhelmed and depressed because this life of love seemed anything but possible for me to live out. Then one night it just hit me. I remember plain as day thinking “I can try over and over to do things my own way, fully relying on myself, but it’s not me, nor has it ever been me that gives myself the strength to stand firmly in my faith.” And praise be to God for that!
This is just one of many moments where it was as if God slapped me in the face to correct my thinking. I’ll admit it’s hurt and it’#39;s brought some difficult struggles, but I couldn’t be more grateful for it. Especially the reminder throughout our Scripture and our classes of the importance for us to reflect back on God’s Word to be reminded of His truths so that we may stand firm in our faith.

1 Peter 5:6-7 (NLT) “So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

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