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“I lost my job a week and a half ago. I think that that was one of the lowest points for me since moving home to Canada. I struggled with God over why he would allow me to lose my job just after I had been able to present Tyson with the gospel. Why would he allow me to be pulled away from all of my coworkers when I truly did love them with the love of Christ? Why would I have to lose all of my friends.

But God had a better plan and I am pretty excited to share with you about that plan.

I have been praying for a job the last week and a half, applying to jobs and asking God to somehow honor my faithfulness. Then on Friday morning, I got a phone call from my factory asking me if I’d like to start back to work in a new department on Monday. I went into work two days ago wondering what God had in store. I was put in the Materials department unexpectedly because someone had filled out my information wrong for the new job assignment and listed me as a fork lift driver.

So… I was put in a position with no experience. I told my new team lead that I had no experience, and he decided to train me anyways. (Even though typically you have to have your license and outside experience to do this job).

Somehow it came out that I had grown up in Papua New Guinea when we were chatting and he right away asked me, “So is your dad a pastor?” I said “no” and explained to him for a few minutes about what my dad does as a Bible translator. Joe, my team leader, right away exclaimed, “Praise the Lord” and asked me when I was going to become a missionary. He told me, “I’m a believer too. I would not have told you that unless you had mentioned missions work, but yes, praise the good Lord.”

He asked me when I was going to become a missionary. I told him as soon as I had money to finish the training. He said, “Well for starters, Heidi, we need to get you trained then!” So I am the first person in our factory ever to get trained –as far as Joe knows– right in the factory, rather than coming in with previous experience.

It is a more stable and steady job– not back-breaking like the other ones.
I can really sense that what Satan meant for evil with me losing my last position, God meant for good with giving me this new one.

The Battle is Not Over

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