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Wow my two years at New Tribes Bible Institute are almost over! I don’t think I could ever explain all that God has done in my life through studying His Word during these two years.

My testimony is that God’s Word is life changing. When I came to Bible School I was never warned about this incredible power. They almost need to have a sign on the Bible that says “Warning, if you really try to study and understand this book, your life will be wrecked.”

Some of you may say, “I don’t want that to happen to me!” But let me tell you that this is the best decision I have ever made and I would not trade my experience for the whole world.

We have been going through Christian Life as a two credit hour senior class. One thing that is continually stressed is having that eternal mindset that gives us perspective on this world and focuses us on the life to come.

We are told in Scripture that our lives are but a mist or vapor (James 4:14), yet many believers choose to invest their money, time, and whole lives into this world. I can say that I do not want that to be me; I don’t want to come before the Lord some day and be empty handed having wasted the precious time that He has given me on this earth.

Yeah, this may not be popular thinking, or even a desired mindset in today’s world, but if you are alive and breathing, then God still wants to use you in this world.

Yes all believers have been given eternal life, but Christ doesn’t stop there! He offers us so much more than that. He offers us true life on this earth. He gives us all that we need for life (2 Peter 1:3). I don’t know when God will choose to deliver me from this present body and earthly life, it could be tonight, or tomorrow, or in a year or more. But I know that I want to hear these words from my Savior when I come before Him : “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matt. 25:21).

I hope that those words encourage you as much as they have encouraged my heart. When life seems to be slamming down on you, just know there is a better one to come!


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