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What is Emanate?

Emanate is Ethnos Canada’s training program for believers interested in church planting among unreached people groups.

At Emanate, students are equipped as part of a community that is committed to sacrifice, excellence and urgency for the Gospel. Teaching from field-proven theory, our trainers have been there and teach from firsthand experience.

Why should I go?

Today, hundreds and hundreds of people groups have yet to hear of the life changing message of Jesus. Many of these last people groups are in difficult to reach places on our planet. Whether isolated by geography, cultural and linguistic barriers or hostility to the message of Christ, God’s heart is for these people to know and worship Him in truth.

For many of us, engaging other cultures in conversations about Jesus is difficult. Leaving home and family is challenging, and families must give up much of what they have taken for granted. Emanate prepares individuals and families for the challenges that missionaries will face on the mission field.


What are the prerequisites needed before attending Emanate?

You will need about 60 credit hours at a Bible school (about the equivalent of 2 years). Many students come through Ethnos360 Bible Institute before going to Emanate, but you can also meet the requirements at different Bible or Christian colleges or through life and church experience. Learn more about the requirements, training at Emanate, and Ethnos360 Bible Institute, founded in 1955 as New Tribes Bible Institute.


What is the cost?

We’ve eliminated the single largest cost at most educational institutions: staff salaries. All of our staff are missionaries, supported by churches and individuals with a vision of helping you learn what you need in order to join the church planting team.

(USD is based off currency rates as of 2017)

Fees for first and third semester:

  • Singles: $3242 CAD ($2619.89 USD)
  • Married couples without children: $6484 CAD ($5239.79 USD)
  • Married couples with one child: $6604 CAD ($5336.76 USD)
  • For each additional child: $120 CAD ($96.97 USD)

Fees for second semester:

  • Singles: $3977 CAD ($3171.29 USD)
  • Married couples without children: $7954 CAD ($6342.57 USD)
  • Married couples with one child: $8164 CAD ($6510.03 USD)
  • For each additional child: $210 CAD ($167.46 USD)


How long is the Emanate program?

Emanate is an 18 month training course. A new class of students starts their training in the fall of each year and finish December of the next year (including Jungle Camp for 6 weeks in the summer).


What is the schedule like each day?

In an effort to round out the full experience of equipping at Emanate, students interact with each other and staff in a few different ways. We understand that we cannot learn everything in the classroom context, so time spent in chapel, discipleship, and the afternoon work program acts as a place to work out the theory of the classroom. Chapel, discipleship, and the afternoon work program is designed to be an extension of our values, practices, and theology. These practices are then further experienced and developed at home with our families, at church and in our community.


What experience does the staff bring to the training?

There are currently 23 experienced missionary families or individuals serving at Emanate who are passionate about teaching field-proven methods that are constantly updated to remain effective and relevant.

Nearly all of our staff at Emanate brings first-hand experience to the specialized training you receive, offering both the practical and spiritual preparation you need to become an important part of the team that is planting tribal churches.


What courses does Emanate go through?

  • Biblical Worldview: North American Worldview and Foundations of Grace, the Interpretive Journey, Foundations of the Believer, Foundations of the Church
  • Missional: Relationships Principles, Teamwork, Time Management, Essentials for Cross-Cultural Learning, Form and Function, Learning Styles, Cross-Cultural Communication, Sounds and Symbols, Phonemics, Grammar, Literacy, Culture and Language Acquisition Techniques, Families in Ministry II
  • Church Planting: Big Picture, Philosophy of Foundational Bible Teaching, Child Protection, Family Life, North American World View, Families in Ministry I, New Testament Church, Animism, Folk Religions, Planting the Church, Curriculum Development, Semantics and Translation, Field Ministry Presentation


What is campus life like?

Discipleship: We know that we cover a lot of different topics on missions and personal growth in class. For this reason we make discipleship a regular part of the course. Each student or student couple is connected with staff and meet together on a weekly basis. This allows the students and staff to process the content together. This is done in an atmosphere of grace and mutual care. There is an expectation that both staff and students will speak the truth in love and talk about real issues that need to be looked at before being in a cross cultural setting

Chapel: As a part of our equipping process we come together daily in a variety of formats that make up chapel. Missions is built on the foundation of prayer. We take time twice a week to pray for global missions, local churches and our own needs. We also take one day a week to casually enjoy fellowship and encouragement through small group meetings. One day is split up for men and women to meet separately taking time in the Word. Lastly we have local pastors, visiting missionaries and campus staff speak to the whole student body.

Afternoon Work Program: Another significant part of your time at Emanate will involve the afternoon work program. AWP, as we call it, is for both men and women (without children) and takes place Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30 to 5pm. The purpose of AWP is to help facilitate the ministries of this campus through cleaning, maintenance and work projects. Our heart is that in the midst of this work, principles of teamwork, service and discipleship are fostered.


Where do students live?

Emanate provides apartments to rent at low cost (rent is part of the tuition costs) for students going through the training. All apartments are on the same property and fully furnished. Students are welcome to bring their own furniture or use the furniture provided. Laundry is also included in the rent payment and is available on campus.


What is the community like?

There are many churches in Durham and the surrounding area that welcome Emanate students. The amount that one could be involved is only limited to the amount of time one is able to put into it. Many students have created good and lasting relationships with the churches they attended during their time in the training.


Ethnos Canada Academy

We have a great diversity in our student body here at Emanate. From single men and women to young families and older families. For many of our older couples, the schooling of their children is a significant need. On the campus we have the Academy, which is a school that provides quality education from a Christian perspective for the children of Emanate students and some home staff.

Cost for Ethnos Canada Academy:

  • $125 per semester per below-school-aged child for Childcare
  • Grade K: $ 50/month each child
  • Grades 1 – 8: $100/month each child
  • Grades 9 – 12: $120/month each child


Should I try to work while attending Emanate?

Because so much of the students’ time is spent in class, on Afternoon Work Program, and doing homework, it is highly suggested that you do not work while you are part of the training. This allows students to focus on the training that they are receiving. This also opens up opportunities to be involved with church and the community.


Jungle Camp Practicum (Summer)

Jungle Camp Technology: Learn the basics of solar energy, water filtration and basic indoor plumbing which will make life and ministry in cross-cultural settings more efficient.

Round Wood Construction: Using only hand tools, construct a temporary, habitable structure out of unmilled poles, plastic and screening based on plans you have prepared. Include a clay cook stove and all necessary furniture. Remain within the stated guidelines and practice teamwork principles as you build.

Living Basic: Spend four weeks in your temporary round wood home having brought everything necessary for life during that time. Practice simple daily life skills such as cutting firewood, cooking with wood, and doing laundry by hand. Experience the isolation that comes from life without modern communication.

Directed Studies: Schedule six hours of study time per day over a period of four days. Study the Bible and other materials that are provided. Meet with another student daily to reflect on that day’s study time.

Trekking Essentials: Challenge yourself with a rigorous multi-day hike. Prepare and plan your food and essential gear in teams. Learn resilience through carrying a pack over difficult terrain.


Take the Next Step

The goal of Ethnos360 is to establish a thriving church for every people. We know that church planting involves many hardships. This is why Emanate was established: to provide effective training to equip those going in cross-cultural missions. Be discipled by experienced missionaries while taking language and missional studies. Be prepared in taking the Gospel to the unreached.

Wondering how to get cross-cultural missions training? Fill out an online application.


For more information, contact the Connection Center:

Tel: 519-369-2622
Fax: 519-369-5828
313363 Hwy 6 S. Durham, ON

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