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Many people have asked me why I want to go study the Bible instead of going to another college where I can get a degree in something that I can “really use.” I’ve actually been encouraged to pursue some sort of career, rather than taking two years to just study the Bible.

I can think of no better use of my time than getting grounded in the Word of God. No matter who, where, or what God has planned for my future, I know that what I’m taught from the Bible will be the most important foundation of my life and something I will use every day for the rest of my life.

I am frequently asked, “So what do you want to do with your life?” My honest answer is, “I’m going to walk with God — wherever He may lead.”

At this point, I really have no clue which direction that is going to be. He’s still keeping it a surprise!

I want more than anything to be the humble, willing servant that responds “How high, Lord?” when He asks me to “JUMP!”

And right now, He’s asking me to jump! How high?

Bible school!


Do you agree with Jenna’s reasons for coming?

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