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In January 2013 I walked through the doors of NTBI for the first time as a student. I love new places, so everything I was introduced to was exciting to me. Living in a dorm room with a roommate? “No problem, I shared a room with my sister.” Sharing a bathroom with other girls? “No problem at all, I have three brothers.” I had no idea how much living in a dorm with others would challenge and encourage me over the next year.

Living in a dorm with other girls my age is a blast. We have had movie nights, celebrated birthdays, watched funny YouTube videos, and created many lasting memories. My limited collection of clothes has expanded to many other closets (with those who don’t mind sharing). When I miss a meal, my snack choices are multiplied by kind friends. My family has now expanded to many loving sisters. I have been able to get to know not only my roommates, but also girls living right down the hall from me. Any time I need a friend, one is there!

These friendships are such a blessing, but there are moments when I wish I wasn’t around so many people. Living with people all around me has a way of revealing areas that need growth. I have been challenged in my pride, selfishness, lack of patience and love, along with many other areas of life. This has been an opportunity to actively apply the truths I have been studying and learning in classes.

God has used this environment to challenge the way I view and treat others. Even though it might be hard sometimes to share space with other people, living here has played a vital part in my personal growth. God is so very good to have placed such encouraging, godly friends in my life!

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