As we look toward an eternity spent in the all-consuming and perfect presence of Jesus, we have so much joy to hope in. In His great love, God has promised that we who have been united with Christ through faith will also be glorified with Him. Our souls will be eternally secure in the love and presence of the Lord and our bodies will be raised in the perfection God had intended before sin entered the world.
This hope does not void the pain of the present age, though. Humans face their finite nature in so many ways, one of the greatest being chronic illnesses. A person who has a chronic illness is no stranger to the constant understanding of suffering. Though those who are in Christ may hope for the day that their pain will be no more, they face a great battle each day on earth. As the body of Christ, we must understand the importance of walking alongside those with a chronic illness that we all may see and know the glory of God working through every circumstance.
Geordan Ogg is no stranger to days of facing the pain and trial of chronic illness. With a lifelong illness, Geordan is someone who has been brought deep into the heart of the Lord and His heart for her suffering. She has also gained immense wisdom on how the body of Christ can uplift the suffering in prayer and encouragement and is passionate about sharing that wisdom. When I asked her about what she would want to share about practically walking alongside those who are sick, she gave me 8 prayers we can pray for and alongside the chronically ill.
Often, our first desire is to pray for complete healing from illness. God is a powerful healer, and these prayers are good to pray. But, for so many who are chronically ill, their greatest hope may not be healing on this side of heaven. Continued prayers that are only for miraculous healing may be hard for someone with illness to hear, which is why Geordan would suggest many other ways to pray over the suffering.
8 Prayers for Chronic Illness
Pray that the good days will feel long, and the bad days will be short
This prayer is not naive to the understanding that there will be challenging days, yet it also brings remembrance of and hope for the days that are good. There is such significance in the ability to acknowledge that someone with chronic illness faces both.
Pray for peace amid pain
Chronic illness is not only physically draining, but also mentally exhausting. Because of this, there is a great battle for contentment in suffering. Continuous prayers for God’s absolute peace are significant, leading a person to be grounded in that peace though the circumstances are frightening and painful.
Pray for relief from pain
Chronic illness comes with an immense amount of pain, and prayers for relief are powerful. We can trust that the Lord responds to these prayers, and when there is any kind of relief it can bring such encouragement and thanksgiving.
Pray for rest
Those with chronic illness need a significant amount of rest for continued healing, yet their quality of rest can be affected by the sickness. This prayer can be for physical rest as well as a constant rest in the Lord regardless of their physical condition.
Pray for wisdom for the medical care team
God can work mightily through a medical care team as He knows exactly what every individual needs and can give wisdom to those treating an illness. Continued prayers for this wisdom are powerful as He guides the hands and minds of the doctors.
Pray for their relationship with the Lord
As someone endures suffering, they come to understand their deep desperation for strength beyond their own. To pray for a chronically ill person’s relationship with the Lord to ever deepen in the trial is a crucial way to uplift them. In this, we may acknowledge His strength for all our weaknesses and His love and faithfulness that is boundless.
Pray for every opportunity for the Lord to use the sickness for His glory
Something so remarkable about suffering is the promise that the Lord can and will use it for His glory. It is in our very weakness that He reveals His surpassing power, and it is in our need for His comfort that He equips us to comfort and encourage others. When we pray for someone with chronic illness, we can pray that they are continuously surrendering their circumstances to the Lord that He may bear the testimony of His glory in them.
Pray for perseverance
Prayers for physical endurance are important, but even more significant is the prayer for the perseverance of hope. Chronic illness can deplete the mind and heart of hope, as it can be hard to look beyond the moment of pain and weakness. We can pray for perseverance that is not rooted in human ability, but in the knowledge and hope of the Lord.
With these simple prayers, we can enter the suffering of another, and both be led deeper into the hope and promises of Christ. If you are or someone you love is facing the pain of chronic illness, know that it is in this place of trial and weakness that the Lord is revealing His glory and faithfulness in the utmost of ways. Let us all remember that our very Savior, Jesus, who is more holy than we can comprehend described Himself as “gentle and lowly” (Matthew 11:29). By His nature, we may come to Him and lay our burdens and suffering down knowing that He will bring us rest. Do not lose heart, friends. We have a faithful Father who is working “all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).
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