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Chad Huber plays a behind-the-scenes but very important role here at Ethnos360 Bible Institute. As registrar, he handles grades and class schedules. Chad also teaches several classes including Leviticus, Hermeneutics I, and Soteriology. Ethnos360 Bible Institute isn’t the first place Chad has taught; he previously taught math and science classes at a Christian school for ten years. He came on staff at EBI wanting to be part of missions, seeing how impactful and effective the Bible school was for future missionaries.

Where are you from originally? Durand, Michigan

When did you join the EBI team? August 2014

What is your favorite thing about serving at Ethnos360 Bible Institute? Being part of God’s plan to reach the nations.

What is something the student body might not know about you? I enjoy playing disc golf.

At what point in your life were you convinced to become involved with missions? I’ve had an awareness of Ethnos360 and what they are doing for a long time because my church supports a number of Ethnos360 missionaries. But it wasn’t until I was 34 that I decided to be involved in missions.

What’s your favorite place to eat? Cracker Barrel

What pastimes do you enjoy? Board games, specifically Settlers of Catan and Dominion

Do you have a “hero of the faith” that you admire, and if so, what about them is inspiring? Dietrich Bonhoeffer – I was reading his biography when I started at Ethnos360 – not necessarily because of his theological positions, but because of his commitment to Christ even when it was costly.

Who is your favorite author? C.S. Lewis

Where is your favorite place to spend time? California


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