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Gordon Bennett, known around the school as Butch, has been with Ethnos360 for 38 years. In September of 1982, he and his wife Pat moved to Mexico. Four years later they returned to the U.S. to serve at the Bible Institute in Jackson, MI. Butch has served the school in several different capacities such as dean of men, dean of marrieds, and dean of students. He has also taught various subjects to the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes. His vast depth of knowledge has impacted the students’ understanding of hard topics like prophecy and end times events. Butch may have a bit of a wild side, but his love for students is evident in his dedication to discipleship outside the classroom.

Where are you from originally? I was born in Atlantic City but was raised in Hammonton, New Jersey.

When did you join the Jackson team? December 1986

What is your favorite thing about serving at Ethnos360 Bible Institute? Teaching and hanging out with students

What is something the student body might not know about you? I was raised Catholic, and I received my confirmation name, Peter, at 10 years old. I got a watch as a gift for receiving my confirmation; it was a nice watch. Well, I got into a fight at school. I threw a punch at a kid, and it flew off my wrist and I never found it. My old man was pretty mad. I guess it was a pretty expensive watch.

At what point in your life were you convinced to become involved with missions? A couple years after I was saved, I heard a missionary speak about people around the world who had never heard the Gospel; and that was amazing to me. I thought everybody had heard it and we were just waiting for the Lord to come back. His message pressed upon the heart of my wife and I, and we decided we were willing to be missionaries. A friend of ours introduced us to Ethnos360, and we headed to the training center after discovering Ethnos360 is an organization focused on getting the Gospel to people who have never heard it.

What’s your favorite place to eat in Jackson? Olive Garden

What pastimes do you enjoy? Reading, riding my bicycle, watching TV, and playing and watching basketball

Do you have a “hero of the faith” that you admire, and if so, what about them is inspiring? I’ve kind of taken a liking to Daniel the prophet for his longevity and faithfulness in 70 years of ministry. There is absolutely no condemnation mentioned about his walk with God in the whole Bible, except out of his own mouth. No one else had anything bad to say about Daniel. Gotta give that man some credit.

Who is your favorite musician? Carlos Santana

Where is your favorite place to spend time? East Coast Beach



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