How Does God Communicate?
We live in a world where information is right at our fingertips. When we ask questions, we want answers and we want them now. It can be difficult when we encounter situations and experiences that don’t make sense. Why does God seem silent?
“How precious are your thoughts to me, O God! How vast are the sum of them.” (Psalms 139:17)
But if God cares so much, why is it that He doesn’t seem to speak? The psalmist says He thinks about us, but can we even know Him? Is He personal to us? If God does communicate, how does He do it?
These questions linger in the hearts of both believers and unbelievers. However, if we realize that He is speaking to us, and has been speaking all this time, we can see that perhaps what we thought was silence is not silence at all.
So how does God communicate? Here are four main ways in which God has chosen to reveal Himself and His truths to us.
God Communicates Through His Creation
“The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” Psalms 19:1
God has shown His many amazing attributes through the beautiful splendor all around us. From the autumn leaves crunching beneath our feet, to the intricate beauty of the smallest snowflake; God has revealed Himself to us through His eye for detail, as well as His great wisdom in majestic and powerful design.
His glory is reflected everywhere.
The Hebrew word used for God’s name in Genesis 1:1 is “Elohim”. This word translated means, ‘The Putter Forth of Power’. His power and might are what have brought together this glorious nature surrounding us. Through what God has made, we can see His message; that He is all-powerful and all-creative. We can also see, by the tiniest of details, that He is caring and considers even the littlest of things important.
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made…” Romans 1:20
God Communicates Through People and Circumstances
God uses different people and circumstances to impact our walk and help us through all we encounter.
As we come across various trials and hardships of this life, we can easily forget that God will use even these times to convey truths about Himself. As we seek Him, we can look beyond the present circumstances and see instead how He is working in our lives to show His peace and goodness. “ Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance” (James 1:2-3)
God will speak through these times if we are open to listening to Him despite our situation.
In 2 Peter 5:2, Paul speaks to the elders, asking that they, “..Shepherd the flock of God…” God has placed people into our lives to grow us. He has provided people to encourage us and instruct us with godly wisdom. This is a two-way street, as He also places individuals in our path that we can help by His power and grace.
“…Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds…” Hebrews 10:24
God Communicates Through The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit
Another way God chooses to communicate is by the Holy Spirit. God gave His Holy Spirit so He can guide our hearts and lead us in our walk with Him.
How does God communicate through the Holy Spirit?
In the past, God caused the Spirit to guide the prophets while writing the Bible. (2 Peter 1:21) The Old Testament book of Micah describes the Spirit of the Lord filling him with the power to proclaim justice upon the sins of Israel (Micah 3:8). Numbers 11:25 talks about the Holy Spirit coming down on seventy elders of Israel causing them to prophesy.
How does the Holy Spirit speak to us today? When Jesus was talking to His disciples in John 16:13, He promised them that, “He, the Spirit of truth, [will come and] guide [us] into all the truth…” Romans 8:14 tells us that we, as His children, are now being, “led by the Spirit of God.”
We are not left on our own to wonder what God desires to communicate, He has given His Holy Spirit as a guide.
God Communicates Through The Bible
One of the most important, and definitely most direct, ways God speaks to us is through His Word.
The Bible was given so that we can know Him better.
God desires to show us truths about Himself, and this is one of the ways He has chosen to reveal them.
Paul, in his letter to the believers at Ephesus, tells them that he prays they grow in the knowledge of God so that they may know the hope of His calling and the greatness of His power and glory toward them (Ephesians 1:17-19). God does not hide Himself from us. He desires that we come to understand Him better so He can help us to grow in Him and realize the hope He offers. One of the best ways we come to learn about God is by reading the Word. 1 John 5:13 tells us that the Bible is written, “so that [we] may know that we have eternal life.” John 17:3 says that eternal life is all about knowing God. He gave us an indescribable gift, the privilege of being able to come to understand Him more and to experience His salvation. The Bible was given that we might know God.
God has spoken very clearly in His Word. 1 Corinthians 14:33 reminds us that God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. He desires mankind to know Him and His Word so we are able to have peace in Him.
God does communicate with us today. He uses creation, people and situations, the Holy Spirit, and His Word to draw us deeper into knowing Him.