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Colossians Overview

Colossians deals with sanctification. It explains how we don’t have to add anything to our faith or do anything to be sanctified. It covers this topic because the Colossian believers were being tricked into some wrong beliefs rooted in Judaism, Asceticism, and Mysticism. Paul tackles this topic by explaining the glories of Christ. The more we understand Christ’s glory, the more we’ll grasp His sufficiency for both salvation and sanctification. Out of this understanding, our lives will start to look different.

Timeline of Paul and the Colossians

Timeline of Paul and the Colossians

Literary Genre of Colossians

Epistle (a letter written to someone)

Date Colossians Was Written

61/62 AD. Paul wrote it while under house arrest in Rome.

Author of Colossians

The author of this book is Paul, the apostle. Read more about Paul’s background and life here.

Colossians Audience

This epistle is written to the believers in Colossae. Colossae was a city in Asia minor located along the Egnatian Way, a major Roman road. The believers there were both Jews and Gentiles, but primarily Gentiles. This church was started by Epaphras. The issue the Colossian believers were facing is something that can be summed up as, “Jewish Ascetic Mysticism”. They were trying to add Jewish legal requirements as a means of sanctification. Asceticism was self-denial for the sake of religion; it was a kind of false humility. Mysticism may have had to do with worshipping angels and mystical visions—pagan spirituality. Some of the Colossians used all three of these things to try to reach a new fullness or completion. Paul says fullness is found not in these things, but in Christ alone!

Theme of Colossians

Christ is the Answer to Religious Distractions

Key Verse of Colossians

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2:6-7

The Purpose of Colossians

The purpose of Colossians was to convince the Colossian believers of Christ’s “enoughness” for sanctification. They didn’t need to add Jewish traditions, practices of physical self-denial, or angel worship in order to be sanctified. They only needed Christ. Similarly, we as believers now don’t need to add on legalistic rules or self-help practices. We just need Christ. As we walk with Christ, He will grow us and change us. He is the one who sanctifies us.

Colossians Outline

  • Letter Introduction 1:1-2
  • Paul’s Thankfulness and Prayer 1:3-14
    • Thankfulness 1:3-8
    • Prayer 1:9-14
  • The Presentation of the True Mystery 1:15-29
      • The Incomparable Reconciling Christ 1:15-20
      • Christ, Your Reconciler and Presenter 1:21-23
      • Paul’s Labor to Proclaim the Mystery of Christ and Present the Believers Complete 1:24-29
  • The Preservation of the True Mystery 2:1-23
      • The Mystery Is Christ 2:1-7
      • Hold Fast to the True Mystery 2:8-15
      • Self-made Religion Is Valueless 2:16-19
      • The Believer’s Co-Crucifixion with Christ Removes the Elementary Principles 2:20-23
  • True Heavenly Realities Govern the Life of the Believer 3:1-4:6
      • True Heavenly Realities 3:1-4
      • ‘Put Off’ Evil Behavior 3:5-11
      • ‘Put On’ Good Behavior 3:12-17
      • Body Life in Light of Truth 3:18-4:6
  • Letter Closing 4:7-16

Why You Should Study Colossians

Colossians is a good book to study because it helps us grow in understanding the glories of Christ. After reading this epistle, we should be even more in awe of Him. It also gives us the truths we need to fight against the tendency to add practices for our own sanctification. We were saved by Christ. We also are sanctified by Christ, not our own works.

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Content reworked from Chris Darland’s Class on Colossians at Ethnos360 Bible Institute
Edited and formatted by Eliza Noel

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