Do you ever find yourself wondering how to study the Bible effectively?
Sometimes I sit down with my cup of coffee, flip through the Bible, and land on a random passage. After reading whatever I landed on, I can feel lost. I might not understand the greater context of the book or how it fits into the whole Bible. Other times I might be tripping over historical-cultural details and I’m left wondering what the passage could mean for my life today. If you’re like me, you’re probably looking for tools to use during your personal devotions. Here’s a list of 10 of the best Christian Bible study books. While the Bible should remain your main source (it’s the only God-inspired and infallible book) these are helpful tools. Use them as you dig deeper into God’s word. I hope they can help answer some of your questions as they have mine!
Christian Bible Study Resources for the Whole Biblical Narrative
1. By This Name by John R. Cross
Have you ever wondered how the Bible ties together? By this Name helps you understand the whole story of the Bible. It explains scripture by starting at the beginning and going through to the end. Its simple easy reading style and analogies are why it’s one of the best Christian books. It can help you understand the gospel more fully whether you’re new to it or familiar with it. I’ve also known of people using it as an evangelistic tool.
2. The Drama of Scripture by Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen
Do you know why the Bible uses kingdom language? The Drama of Scripture walks you through the storyline of scripture. What sets it apart from By This Name is that it focuses more on the theme of the King and His kingdom. It begins with God establishing the world as His kingdom in Genesis and ends with the return of the King in Revelation. It ties together the stories in scripture like acts in a play making it another great overview of the Bible.
3. From God to Us: How We Got Our Bible By Norman L. Geisler and William E. Nix
Has anyone asked you why you trust the Bible? Do you have questions about how inspiration works and why certain books are in the Bible and others are not? From God to Us builds a case for why the Bible is reliable. The evidence includes how the manuscripts were handled, how many we have, and how far back they date. Fun fact- we have far more original copies of the New Testament than many other trusted historical books! Facts like this and more are why it’s one of the best Christian books to read.
4. Basic Theology by Charles C. Ryrie
Does the character of God, demonology, and the rapture sometimes feel over your head? I know it did mine. Ryrie’s Basic Theology does a good job of explaining these and so many other biblical truths. Its simple language and many Bible references make it one of the best Bible study books. It could be a great guide to pull out whenever a topic comes up in discussion that you realize you don’t understand.
5. Grasping God’s Word by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
Do you ever read stories in the Bible and wonder what they have to do with you? Grasping God’s Word can teach you how to take the interpretive journey through scripture. It helps you know how to understand the context of what you’re reading. Once you understand context you’re able to identify cultural differences. From there you can draw principles and apply them to your life. These practical steps will help you know how to study the Bible effectively.
6. The Bible Knowledge Commentary by John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck
Are you looking for a reliable commentary to keep close by during your studies? The Bible Knowledge Commentary has helpful introductions to each book. The background included in these can help you understand the context better. This is why it’s a great Bible study book to have. It also includes verse-by-verse comments. These can be helpful if you ever come across something that confuses you.
Bible Study Books for Specific Books of the Bible
7. Four Portraits, One Jesus by Mark L. Strauss
Have you ever wondered how the four gospels fit together? Four Portraits, One Jesus helps bring understanding to that topic. It shows how each gospel author paints a picture of the same person, our savior Jesus Christ. It also gives tidbits of cultural context to the time period when Jesus walked the earth. If you want to dive into the gospels, this is the Bible study book for that.
8. Insights on Acts (Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary) By Charles R. Swindoll
Are you diving into the book of Acts? Swindoll’s Insights on Acts walks you through the entire book of Acts. It includes maps, notes on structure, historical context, and application. This could be the perfect handbook as you study through the beginning of the church. The way the book’s laid out and how understandable it is, makes it easy to use and one of the best Christian books for the book of Acts.
9. A Week in the Life of Corinth by Ben Witherington III
Are you studying 1 and 2 Corinthians? While A Week in the Life of Corinth is fictional, it’s based on truth. The truth it’s based on is Paul’s trial before Gallio. It follows the story of Nicanor. He’s a former slave who comes in contact with members of the early Corinthian church. This story is both intriguing and informative. It immerses you in the context Paul was in when he wrote Corinthians, making it another one of the best Christian books.
10. Be Confident by Warren Wiersbe
Are you studying through the epistle written to the Hebrews? Do you want to know more about pressing on to maturity in your walk with Christ? Wiersbe’s Be Confident commentary brings a simple understanding to this book and the rich truths it holds. The author uses anecdotal stories, cross-references, and root word meanings to walk through each chapter. It’s definitely one of the best Bible study books for Hebrews.
Do you want to dig even deeper? Come to Bible college!
All ten of these Christian books are textbooks here at Ethnos360 Bible Institute. During our two-year program, teachers walk students through the Bible. Their approach is chronological. They use the Bible as their main source as well as these books. Through classes, students learn to understand the context of the Bible and how to diligently apply it to their lives. If this interests you, request your free EBI info packet below!