Welcome to Ethnos360 Bible Institute (founded in 1955 as New Tribes Bible Institute)
We’re about training, we’re about discipleship and we’re about getting the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Throughout the Scriptures we are commanded to take God’s plan of redemption to a needy world. Currently, 2,500 of the world’s 6,000 people groups are unreached, and more than 100 are asking Ethnos360 to begin a work among them now — yet there are not enough missionaries to send. Tragedy? Yes! As the Body of Christ, it is our job to take that gospel witness to these people groups.
With this vision in mind, we’ve worked toward creating the first step in a long walk with Christ in missions. We believe that a clear, correct understanding of the Scriptures is a necessary foundation for any type of missions training and preparation. The Ethnos360 team has endeavored to foster and maintain an encouraging atmosphere in which you delve into the depths of the Scriptures, understanding the chronology and context in which they were written.
But you won’t just study. At Ethnos360 Bible Institute, you will find ample opportunities to put your developing relationship with Christ into practice; serving at the school, in the community and in the local church! Our heart’s desire is to give you this solid, biblical, missions-minded education in an environment that is both an enjoyable and stretching.
So please, take a look around our website! As you investigate, if this sounds like the place for you, we invite you to go a bit deeper and come for a visit – take a look around our campus and experience a taste of life at Ethnos360 Bible Institute.
Blessings to you as you seek God’s leading in your life’s direction!
Co-laborers for the Gospel,

Dan Falls
President – Ethnos360 Bible Institute
Michigan campus

Ron Lindsey
President – Ethnos360 Bible Institute
Wisconsin Campus