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How long will it take to hear back from the Admissions office?

You should hear back from the Admissions Office within five business days of submitting your application. You will receive an official admission decision once your references have been received. References can frequently hold up the application process so we recommend getting in touch with your references to ensure they complete their forms.

When is the application deadline?

August 1 is the application deadline for on-campus students and August 19th is the application deadline for our one and two-year online programs. For students taking an individual class as a commuter, auditor, or online, the application deadline is two weeks prior to the beginning of the desired class.

We recommend completing your application as soon as possible so you can receive your admissions response and make plans.

Can I transfer credits in from another college?

This usually depends on the courses previously taken. The best thing to do if you are curious about transferring credits is to email a copy of your transcript to our school registrar along with an introduction explaining your question. Registrar:

What is Ethnos360 Bible Institute's accreditation status?

Ethnos360 Bible Institute will be submitting their application for accreditation through TRACS in the Fall of 2023. EBI hopes to be accredited by 2024.

Although Ethnos360 Bible Institute is not yet accredited, many Christian colleges and universities do accept our credits. See Accreditation page for details.

What degree do I graduate with?

Students who complete and meet the requirements of our two-year program will receive an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies.

What is necessary for a homeschooled transcript?

Your home school transcript should include all the following information:

Important: Multiple pages should be joined into one document and uploaded to the application. If that’s not possible, please send and attach additional documents to If you do not readily have a transcript with all these details on hand, you may need to create them. Sample documents and templates can be found online and within programs like Microsoft Word, and programs like Excel offer formulas for summing credits, GPA, etc.

  • Contact Information:
    • Student name, name of home school, address, phone number, teacher/parent name, administrator/parent name, teacher/parent signature.
  • Core Subjects and Electives:
    • Your high school course list ordered by year (grades 9-12) with grades earned and grade point averages by semester, year, and cumulative.
  • Completion of Requirements:
    • A note indicating that the student has met all the high school graduation requirements in your state, territory, or country.
  • Graduation Date:
    • Date the final coursework was completed.
  • Optional Details:
    • The institution where each class was taken (homeschool, online institution, community college, co-op, club).
    • The grade scale being used in your home school.
    • Credits given/earned per course (listed per semester, per year, per high school career).

Campus Life

How big is the study body on average?

We host a student body of 200 to 300 students.

How many students live in a dorm?

Due to the historic nature of our building, our dorms come in various sizes hosting between 3-5 students depending on the number of rooms in the dorm.

How are dorm rooms set up?

Each dorm has a study room and a bedroom. Each student is given their own desk, bed, dresser, and closet space.

How are married student apartments set up?

The space of each married apartment is determined by the size of the family. Our married apartments will have a full kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Depending on the housing, all necessary amenities will be in the house or a short walk away in the main building. Married housing is also subject to availability.

Can the campus cafeteria cater to different food allergies?

We offer gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free options at most meals, but beyond that we don’t have the ability to offer specialized meals for individual students. There is an option to be taken off the meal plan and have a slight reduction in tuition if your allergies are severe enough.

What is the typical age range for incoming students?

Many of our students are 18-25, there is a good community of single and married student ages 25-35, and a few students 35 and older. The average age of a student at EBI is about 22.

Online Education

What does each class cost?

We are currently offering our online classes at a rate of $175 per credit hour (increasing to $180 in 2024). The national average cost per credit hour is $594.

Are class sessions live or on demand?

The classes are on demand. The class is split up into weekly segments. The video viewing and homework are due at the end of each week and can be done at any time during that week.

What should I expect from homework?

Homework assignments may include reading articles posted by the instructor, writing a paper or an essay, and making posts on Populi in response to questions posed by the instructor.

What does course interaction look like?

At various times in the course, students will respond to a question posed by the instructor based on the content learned during that particular unit. Students will be required to read a select number of posts from their peers and respond to their work. Guidelines are given for quality interactions. The instructor will read and interact with students through these posts. The instructor is also available to students through email or by appointment.

What should I expect from each class?

A course is broken down into seven units, each being one week in length. Each unit contains several videos (approximately 3 hours per unit/week). Students will log on to the Learning Management System (Populi) where they will watch videos, make posts, interact with other students as well as the instructor, etc. All assignments are hosted on Populi. All assignments are submitted through Populi as well. Populi is user friendly with a low learning curve.

When do I take each class?

Each course is broken down into seven lesson, each being one week in length. Students can complete work at any time during a unit and all work must be completed by the end of that unit. All units begin on a Monday and run through the following Monday.

What is the time commitment like?

Time Per Credit Hour

Students can anticipate approximately 4 hours of work per credit per week. For example, taking a 3 credit course, a student should expect 12 hours of total work each week. Homework assignments may include reading articles posted by the instructor, writing a paper or an essay, and making posts on Populi in response to questions posed by the instructor.

Time Commitment for Full-Time Students

Students can anticipate approximately 20 hours of work per week for the duration of a course. Homework assignments may include reading articles posted by the instructor, writing a paper or an essay, and making posts on Populi in response to questions posed by the instructor.

Can I audit a class?

Yes, you can audit any class for the cost of $40 per credit hour. Apply to take individual classes, then, once accepted, register for the classes you’d like to audit.


What is Ethnos360?

Ethnos360 is a Christian missions organization that specifically ministers through church-planting among unreached people groups.  “Motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Ethnos360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping and coordinating of believers to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures and see indigenous churches established that glorify God.”

Ethnos360 holds the following methodological distinctives.

We minister among unreached people groups:

In more than 6,000 people groups around the world, there is no church, nor is there any work being done to establish a church. These are the people among whom Ethnos360 works.

We work in the culture and language of the people:

These people groups’ cultures and languages have isolated them from the gospel. Missionaries learn their culture and language in order to understand and to be understood within the context of that culture, to clearly present the gospel and to effectively plant a church.

We translate the Scripture:

For believers to grow to maturity, they must have God’s Word to study. Translating the Scriptures into the people group’s heart language is essential, as are literacy classes in situations where learning to read has not been an option for the people. Investment is made in Scripture translation along with foundational chronological teaching.

We present foundational Bible teaching:

Unreached people groups have no concept of the God of the Bible. This means that Bible teaching must start at the same place God began — at the beginning. Chronological Bible teaching presents a foundation for understanding God’s character and the plan of redemption.

We establish mature churches:

Evangelism is but the beginning. Ethnos360 and the Global Partner network are committed to seeing mature churches established. In this context of a mature church, we are speaking of a church where the disciples are becoming the disciplers, where indigenous church leadership is solidly in place and where the church is reproducing itself.

How does Ethnos360 Bible Institute relate to Ethnos360?

Ethnos360 Bible Institute is the first step in Ethnos360’s overall training program. As a mission, we feel it is vital to send out missionaries who are adequately prepared for the task set before them. We believe that it is critical to establish believers in the foundational truths of the Bible, not only as it pertains to their ministries as they communicate and teach, but also in their own relationship with God. Practical missionary training takes place in the next step, at Ethnos360 Training in Missouri or Emanate, located in Canada. Orientation and ongoing training take place on the mission field.

What is the next step after EBI if I want to join Ethnos360?

For the student pursuing missionary work, the next step with Ethnos360 would be to attend one of our missionary training centers. While EBI focused on biblical equipping for missions, the next step equips missionaries cross-culturally. We currently have two campuses available for English speakers, Ethnos360 Training, located in Missouri and Emanate, located in Canada. Both programs run roughly 2 years. For more information, start here.

How does EBI help me become a missionary?

The majority of long-term missions organizations require missionaries to be formally equipped in the Bible for ministry. It is hard to teach the Bible without an in-depth understanding of it yourself. Beyond knowledge, missionaries must live out of their relationships with Christ. We equip our students for missions through an understanding of the Bible and through discipleship, that they might be men and women of godly character for their ministry ahead.

Why is missionary training important?

The importance of training can be easily overlooked as we face the urgent global need. While the world needs more laborers, it needs laborers who are equipped.

As in almost any profession, we usually recognize that good intentions are essential, but they are not enough. Just like we have expectations for doctors, dentists, physical therapists, and local pastors to be prepared for their specific job, it is also reasonable and important to receive training in preparation for cross-cultural ministry.


Do I need a computer as a student? If so, what specs do I need?

Yes, students are required to have a laptop. Our digital library application, Logos Bible Software, is best used with a laptop or desktop computer.

If you are using a computer with Logos, the minimum requirement is 2GB of RAM and 30GB of free hard drive space. Some users have found that 8-16GB of RAM is ideal. There’s also a mobile app available, however, we strongly discourage relying on a netbook or iPad to run the online version of the program because the configuration limits the software’s capability. The online version and apps do limit the software’s functionality somewhat. When you complete all 4 semesters, you will own the software outright.

What is Logos Bible Software?

Logos Bible Software is a digital library application designed for electronic Bible study. In addition to basic eBook functionality, it includes extensive resource linking, note-taking functionality, and linguistic analysis for study of the Bible both in translation and in its original languages. You can find more information about Logos on their website.


How do students graduate debt-free?

Our students can and do graduate debt free because our tuition is low compared to many other Bible colleges. That being said, there is no system in place to guarantee financial stability. Most of our students will get jobs in the area and work to pay their way through.

Secondly, our staff are full-time missionaries who raise their support from churches and individuals that share our purpose to see churches planted where Christ is yet unknown.  This provides a tremendous savings in overhead costs which are passed on in our tuition and fees, making EBI very affordable to attend.

In addition to employment, some students receive financial help from parents, relatives and friends.  Some larger employers may have programs for educational assistance that you may qualify for.  You may want to discuss other possible sources of funds that your church may be aware of, such as, a community foundation in your area or Christian organizations that support Biblical education.

Veterans may be able to secure VA education funds by way of the GI bill. EBI is qualified to accept VA education benefits.  Veterans will need to secure a Certificate of Eligibility letter from the VA.  Once received, forward that on to the finance office at EBI.  We will contact you for other information that we will need to bill fees to the VA.  Feel free to contact the finance office at the school to discuss details.

Working while attending as a student?

How much should I work while attending as a student?

While school is in session, EBI would recommended that your work hours not exceed 25 hours per week.  We believe the study of God’s Word is your first priority and that a great deal of time needs to be committed to accomplishing what you came to do here at EBI – study God’s Word!

Does EBI help students find a job?

We do not provide employment services, however we have good relationships with many employers in the community.  Many of the local businesses and individuals looking for employees have a high opinion of the work ethic of our students and often contact the school about job opportunities.   When we are contacted about employment opportunities, we post those jobs on a school bulletin board.

Are there any on-campus jobs available?

We do not typically provide jobs to our students.  When we do need to hire students, we usually offer those jobs first to international students that cannot legally work in the U.S. but can work on the campus at the college they are enrolled in as a student.

Does EBI take FAFSA student loans or grants from the government?

Since EBI is currently not accredited, we do not qualify as an educational intuition that can receive federal student loans or grants.  Even though federal student aid is not available to you, our low semester costs more than offset the value of federal loans you may receive at a different institution. Lastly, you do not acquire loan debt that must be repaid after you finish school.

Is EBI tax-deductible?

Since EBI is not currently an accredited Institute, our tuition and fees are not deductible under current U.S. tax law.  Because of that we cannot issue 1098-T forms.  We are in the process of applying for accreditation.  Once that status is obtained, our tuition and fees should be tax-deductible, subject to the current IRS regulations in place at that time.

International Students

We would advise you to check with the taxing authority in your country of citizenship as to whether EBI fees are tax deductible.  If your in-country tax advisor believes that EBI fees are tax deductible, we are happy to prepare the necessary paperwork your tax advisor says you will need.

How do tuition payments work?

Your down payment (about half of the semester cost) is due before the start of each semester: August 1 for the fall semester, January 1 for the spring semester. Throughout the remainder of each semester there are four monthly payments due the first of each month.

What if I cannot pay my school bill on time?

Please let us know if you are having difficulty making your payment.  There is normally a 3% late fee for past due payments, but we really do not like charging late fees, especially if your money is already tight.  You should contact the finance office, so we can review your situation and set up a plan to help you get caught up.  Early communication goes a long way in avoiding late fees.  A student that falls more than $475 behind on their school bill may be asked to withdraw from EBI if a workable payment schedule cannot be implemented.

Is the meal plan included in tuition?

Yes for single students. Married students are responsible for their own meals, but have kitchen accommodations in their apartments.

Do students need to purchase textbooks?

Most textbooks you will need are available in digital format within the Logos Bible Software you use as a student. You will receive a license to Logos when you arrive. Occasionally you might be required to purchase a textbook or borrow one from the library.

Still have questions?

Ask Mike

Mike Day

Admissions Director

262.542.9411 (ext. 1314)


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